Apr 18, 2014
The King Forsaken
The sign over Jesus’ sacred head at the cross proclaimed the truth: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” To those with faith in His redeeming blood, there could be no more glorious throne. What kind of King chooses the cross over power and glory? The kind of King who has but one purpose and mission: to save sinners, to restore the lost, and to renew the broken. So Jesus’ cross displays a sign to explain who He is because no one expects the Son of God to be crucified. Jesus is God’s faithful firstborn Son, who is forsaken by His Father so that undeserving sinners might be adopted into God’s family and never be forsaken!
  • Apr 18, 2014The King Forsaken
    Apr 18, 2014
    The King Forsaken
    The sign over Jesus’ sacred head at the cross proclaimed the truth: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” To those with faith in His redeeming blood, there could be no more glorious throne. What kind of King chooses the cross over power and glory? The kind of King who has but one purpose and mission: to save sinners, to restore the lost, and to renew the broken. So Jesus’ cross displays a sign to explain who He is because no one expects the Son of God to be crucified. Jesus is God’s faithful firstborn Son, who is forsaken by His Father so that undeserving sinners might be adopted into God’s family and never be forsaken!
  • Apr 17, 2014The King’s Feast
    Apr 17, 2014
    The King’s Feast
    The name for this day comes from the Latin word "mandatum," meaning "commandment." It refers to the two "new" commandments our Lord gave to His disciples on this day. The first is, "Love one another”; the second is, "Do this in remembrance of Me." Our service today is “Part One" of what the early Church observed as "the triduum," a three-day remembrance of the events of our Lord's suffering, death, and resurrection: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. Tonight’s Maundy Thursday service is intended to bring us into the story of the Son of Man coming to serve us. This evening we will commemorate some of the events at our Lord’s Last Supper, including a foot washing as well as receiving Holy Communion in a way that recalls that Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper as they were “reclining at table.” (Mark 14:18)
  • Apr 13, 2014I Died FOR You to Live IN You
    Apr 13, 2014
    I Died FOR You to Live IN You
    “Hosanna” means “save us now!” Jesus received great praise as he entered into Jerusalem and the people shouted, "Hosanna. Save us, and do it now!" But that day was also the beginning of the end for our Lord, an end that will culminate in the most humiliating of deaths: by crucifixion. Yet we can rejoice, not for a palm parade, but for the truth that after his death, resurrection and ascension, God exalted his obedient and humble Son to the highest place where he receives all glory as King of kings and Lord of lords, having won for us the forgiveness of sins!
  • Apr 9, 2014The King on the Cross
    Apr 9, 2014
    The King on the Cross
    The sign over Jesus’ sacred head at the cross proclaimed the truth: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” To those with faith in His redeeming blood, there could be no more glorious throne. What kind of King chooses the cross over power and glory? The kind of King who has but one purpose and mission: to save sinners, to restore the lost, and to renew the broken. So Jesus’ cross wears a sign to explain who He is because no one expects the Son of God to be crucified and the sins to have disfigured Him until He became unrecognizable—that is, no one except those with eyes of faith!
  • Apr 6, 2014I Will Love You Forever
    Apr 6, 2014
    I Will Love You Forever
    “What I Did for Love: I Will Love You Forever” – Lent is a 40-day observance in preparation for Easter. “Lent” comes from a word meaning “spring.” In a real sense, this is a springtime for the soul, a time to clean house, a time for renewal, a time to focus on the sacrifice of God through the death and precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Quite simply, Christ’s death was an act of Love! It took great Love for Christ to surrender His will to the Father, and it took great love for the Father to allow His Son to die for unworthy sinners. So the cross, a symbol of death and torture, has become an unlikely symbol of love and hope. We are filled with hope when we realize that Christ’s death shows the depth of God’s love, and the resurrection shows the height of God’s promises!
  • Apr 2, 2014The King Mocked
    Apr 2, 2014
    The King Mocked
    God will not be mocked. God is jealous. He insists upon what is His due. Yet, for the sake of sinners, the King of the Jews stands silent before His accusers. He endures the mocking and taunting of words and actions that feign the honor He is due. Why would God allow us to mock Him? It is all about salvation. The Son of God stands falsely accused for us. He allows Himself to be mocked and abused. That is what He must do if He is to restore the lost sinners, reclaim them to life, and repair the wrong that sin did. He is mocked and taunted so that He might be enthroned and honored—so that you and I might be enthroned and honored.
  • Mar 30, 2014I Felt Your Pain
    Mar 30, 2014
    I Felt Your Pain
    “What I Did for Love: I Felt Your Pain” – Lent is a 40-day observance in preparation for Easter. “Lent” comes from a word meaning “spring.” In a real sense, this is a springtime for the soul, a time to clean house, a time for renewal, a time to focus on the sacrifice of God through the death and precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ… Jesus was willing to suffer pain for us! But why? Why would our Lord, who knew the pleasures of heaven, enter our sin-sick world? Why did he allow himself to thirst, be beaten and flogged? Why would he voluntarily go to the cross? … How else could the God of heaven know us and free us from our guilt? Take comfort in knowing that Jesus knows your pain.
  • Mar 23, 2014I Rescued You When You Ran Away
    Mar 23, 2014
    I Rescued You When You Ran Away
    “What I Did for Love: I Rescued You When You Ran Away” – Lent is a 40-day observance in preparation for Easter. “Lent” comes from a word meaning “spring.” In a real sense, this is a springtime for the soul, a time to clean house, a time for renewal, a time to focus on the sacrifice of God through the death and precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus was willing to leave His throne in heaven, to come searching for you and rescue you. Jesus will meet you wherever you are at, that is true, but He loves you too much to leave you there – He desires more for you, a relationship with Him!
  • Mar 16, 2014I Canceled the Charges Against You
    Mar 16, 2014
    I Canceled the Charges Against You
    “What I Did for Love: I Canceled the Charges Against You” – Lent is a 40-day observance in preparation for Easter. “Lent” comes from a word meaning “spring.” In a real sense, this is a springtime for the soul, a time to clean house, a time for renewal, a time to focus on the sacrifice of God through the death and precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. This sacrifice accomplished the canceling of all sins – of all the charges against you. Talk about a weight off your shoulders! Talk about renewal and cleaning house! Especially today as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, may your soul receive the refreshing and renewal that Jesus offers!
  • Mar 12, 2014The King Betrayed
    Mar 12, 2014
    The King Betrayed
    Some sins have been traditionally considered “hot”—sins like rage and outbursts of anger, such as Peter cutting off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Others have been traditionally considered “cold” sins. They’re the more calculating ones, such as Judas’s planned betrayal of Jesus. Our sinful nature manifests both kinds of sins, and we admit many varieties of betrayal. But whatever their classification, Jesus, God’s royal Son, came to bear them all to death and triumph over them in the Resurrection.
  • Mar 9, 2014I Became Sin for You
    Mar 9, 2014
    I Became Sin for You
    “What I Did for Love? … I Became Sin for You” – Today is the first Sunday in Lent, a 40-day observance in preparation for Easter. “Lent” comes from a word meaning “spring.” In a real sense, this is a springtime for the soul, a time to clean house, a time for renewal, a time to focus on the sacrifice of God through the death and precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ! Each week we will look at a different aspect of Christ's love for us from His perspective on the cross. When asked how much Jesus loved us, He stretched out His arms on the cross and said, “This much!” He loved us so much that the Scriptures say He literally BECAME SIN … for us!
  • Mar 5, 2014The King’s Wisdom
    Mar 5, 2014
    The King’s Wisdom
    Another Lent begins. As we journey together through the next six weeks to the cross and empty tomb, we look at everything that took place from the vantage point of Jesus as King. Walk with us along the way, comparing and contrasting other kings with the King. We pray that you will find a renewed sense of awareness and appreciation for how the Lord is our faithful King, who for us and for our sake endured the cross, bore our shame, and suffered in our place. Tonight we remember how our King Jesus first marked us with the sign of the cross in our Baptism and how we wear ashes in the sign of a cross as the mark of His work in us, bringing us to repentance and restoring us by the power of forgiveness.
  • Feb 23, 2014It’s Not About You
    Feb 23, 2014
    It’s Not About You
    It’s a truth of science, and a spiritual truth as well – the universe doesn’t revolve around us! And yet, we are programmed to believe that it does. From a very young age, we learn the power of the word, “Mine!” … And if we are not careful, we will spend our lives trying to gain more for ourselves – prestige, power, wealth, and on and on. However, in so many places in Scripture, the Lord directs us not to live for self, but instead to live to serve others and to serve God. Today we will learn about being led by the Holy Spirit to live lives of significance – being salt and light in our hurting and needy world!
  • Feb 16, 2014Beyond the Math
    Feb 16, 2014
    Beyond the Math
    Stewardship is more than just numbers. It’s more than just meeting the bills of our church. It’s more than a percentage. It’s more than addition and subtraction. It’s about faith. Our giving recognizes that all we have and all we are is a gift from God. It acknowledges that we are stewards of God’s blessings – to be used for Christ’s glory and the extension of His kingdom. When we give to God, trusting in Him to provide for us, and use it for His will, it adds up to an eternal investment! In fact, through giving, we are greatly blessed by God! … We receive a ‘return on investment,’ of more than we give!
  • Feb 9, 2014Excel in the Grace of Giving
    Feb 9, 2014
    Excel in the Grace of Giving
    The Apostle Peter is known for “stepping out of the boat” on faith! (Matthew 14:22-33) He was able to do that because He saw Jesus calling Him out of his position of relative security to one of apparent danger. And yet, he was in no real danger because Jesus was right there with him. Likewise, God gives us the courage to step out of our safe comfort zone, and step into the seemingly dangerous water of generous giving. Like Peter, may we trust God to allow us to do what we ourselves are unable to do – excel in the grace of Giving!