Apr 21, 2013
CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 3. Interrogating the Witness
Series: CSI Creation
In any kind of trial, various witnesses and pieces of evidence are brought
before the judge and/or jury. Their testimony is considered and weighed in
light of all the known and verifiable facts. Some evidence is considered
circumstantial – meaning that what it indicates is not necessarily relevant
in the investigation. The best kind of testimony, however, comes from
eye-witnesses - those who actually saw the event in question. Their
testimony is further strengthened if there are other witnesses who saw the
same things. In some cases, the credibility of a witness is brought into
question. Can they be trusted? In regards to witnesses proposing to tell
an account of creation, we ask the questions: what or who are the
witnesses? Were they really present at the scene? And can their testimony
be trusted?
- Apr 21, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 3. Interrogating the WitnessApr 21, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 3. Interrogating the WitnessSeries: CSI CreationIn any kind of trial, various witnesses and pieces of evidence are brought before the judge and/or jury. Their testimony is considered and weighed in light of all the known and verifiable facts. Some evidence is considered circumstantial – meaning that what it indicates is not necessarily relevant in the investigation. The best kind of testimony, however, comes from eye-witnesses - those who actually saw the event in question. Their testimony is further strengthened if there are other witnesses who saw the same things. In some cases, the credibility of a witness is brought into question. Can they be trusted? In regards to witnesses proposing to tell an account of creation, we ask the questions: what or who are the witnesses? Were they really present at the scene? And can their testimonybe trusted?
- Apr 14, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 2. Establishing the TimelineApr 14, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 2. Establishing the TimelineSeries: CSI CreationOften we are led to believe that the universe is tens of billions of years old. Why is it important for the theory of evolution that the world be so old? Why would it be necessary for humans to inhabit the planet for hundreds of thousands of years? But what does God say about the timeline of His creation? Is it really at odds with what we see when studying the universe, or is it rather a clash of worldviews and assumptions? And if humans did evolve slowly over a very long period of time, doesn’t thatviolate what Scripture says about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden?
- Apr 7, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 1. Securing the SceneApr 7, 2013CSI: Examining the Evidence of Creation – 1. Securing the SceneSeries: CSI CreationThe Bible is the looking-glass through which people can correctly view the world. Though not a science book, Scripture does portray the history of the universe. How the accounts of God’s creation, when death first corrupted God’s perfect creation, and the global flood are taken by people today – as either historical fact or mythical accounts – will greatly influence whether they put their faith and trust in the Bible as the authoritative word of God. The foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Bible. If the Bible cannot be trusted, then the truth and hope theBible proclaims is in vain.
- Oct 7, 2012Happily Ever After – Re-modeling Your MarriageOct 7, 2012Happily Ever After – Re-modeling Your MarriageSeries: Happily Ever After?Sometimes our marriages need some extensive remodeling. They have become boring, outdated, worn. Where can we turn to find a compelling model for marriage? The Bible tells us about a Bridegroom who models all of the characteristics that are required for a healthy marriage. But not only is He an example worth emulating, He is able to restore, redeem and reconcile when we fall short of the ideal. Today we will look at the character of Christ and declare the hope that's always available because of His sacrifice on the cross.
- Sep 30, 2012Happily Ever After – Not Your Parent’s MarriageSep 30, 2012Happily Ever After – Not Your Parent’s MarriageSeries: Happily Ever After?Oftentimes the expectations of what a marriage should look like (or shouldn’t look like) are formed by what we saw in our parent’s marriage. How we deal with conflict, the words we use, the amount of time we give to nurture the relationship, even our commitment to marriage itself, all can be profoundly impacted by what we experienced as children. In fact, our past can have a huge impact (both good and bad) on our marriage. Today we will look how our past can shape our identity but also look at Biblical ways to get past our past when necessary.
- Sep 23, 2012Happily Ever After – Staying in LoveSep 23, 2012Happily Ever After – Staying in LoveSeries: Happily Ever After?We live in a culture that is preoccupied with the idea of falling in love. Everyone longs to fall in love. Songs and are written about it. Movies are made about it. But “falling” in love is the easy part. Staying in love is trickier. Time wears on any relationship, especially marriage. A loving marriage requires hard work – everyday. It takes constant course correction. Today we will discover practical, biblical principles for nurturing a strong, loving marriage.
- Sep 16, 2012Happily Ever After – Debunking the Marriage MythSep 16, 2012Happily Ever After – Debunking the Marriage MythSeries: Happily Ever After?The idea of marriage is filled with so many myths.“ True love comes naturally.” “I didn’t marry the ‘right’ person." “If only my spouse would change.” “If you loved me, you would know what I need.” “We can work this out on our own.” These myths create a mountain of expectations that will never be met and often leave husbands and wives disappointed, disillusioned and unsatisfied. Today we will attempt to debunk the myths and offer a more biblical view of marriage.
- Jun 24, 2012Holy Spirit – The Fruits of the SpiritJun 24, 2012Holy Spirit – The Fruits of the SpiritSeries: The Holy SpiritWhen you think of the Holy Spirit, what comes to your mind? Perhaps more importantly, what happens in your life? In other words, is what you know about the Holy Spirit just information - or does it lead to transformation? Today's Epistle reading speaks of the transformation that the Holy Spirit works in our lives. It begins with our baptism and continues throughout our lives as we allow the Word of God to work in us to conform us more and more into the image of Christ. As we consider the fruit that the Holy Spirit yields in our lives, we realize how He has blessed His Body, the Church, through each of us. What an amazing thing God has done!
- Jun 17, 2012Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit as UnifierJun 17, 2012Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit as UnifierSeries: The Holy SpiritDivision. It may be helpful in mathematics and in a variety of endeavors ranging from cooking to corporations, but when it comes to the Body of Christ it's not helpful. To the contrary, division is a tool of the enemy used to weaken the Body as well as our witness of God. Why is that so? Jesus tells us that He, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are one; they are united - in love, purpose and Truth. He also tells us that we are united together as believers - united in the blood of Christ. When we appear to the world as divided, therefore, it demonstrates a fragmented God. It is critical then, that we remain united as families and as a church. How does this happen? As with all good things it only happens by God's grace and with His power.
- Jun 10, 2012Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit as CounselorJun 10, 2012Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit as CounselorSeries: The Holy SpiritHave you ever played the quiet game? The object of this game is to try and sit with one or more people and not say anything to them - to sit in total silence. (Playing a video game or reading a book doesn't count!) It's hard to go very long. It's hard for us to be quiet. We live noisy lives with lots of activity and distractions going on around us. In today's Old Testament reading, there was a lot of noise. God told Elijah to wait on Him. What happened? What did it sound like when the Lord passed by? It's ok for us to be noisy, but God desires for us to be still at times and listen to Him. Today we will learn about hearing the Holy Spirit - God's Counselor!
- Jun 3, 2012Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit as Gift GiverJun 3, 2012Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit as Gift GiverSeries: The Holy SpiritDid you have a favorite super-hero when you were a child? Did you want their “super powers?” What powers would have been good to have? What would you have done with those powers? In our Epistle reading today, Paul talks about the special gifts that we have as believers which are given to us by the Holy Spirit. While these gifts are not “super powers” in the Hollywood sense, they are super-natural powers, given to us by the Holy Spirit to do His work in the world. As God works through His people, not for our glory but for His, some pretty amazing things happen!
- May 27, 2012Holy Spirit – The Holy SpiritMay 27, 2012Holy Spirit – The Holy SpiritSeries: The Holy Spirit
Today we are beginning a series on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is described as a Helper to those who believe Jesus is the Son of God. We are studying John's gospel where we see Jesus promise the Holy Spirit and describe the work that the Holy Spirit will accomplish in and through His disciples. We are confident that with the Holy Spirit living inside us, as believers, we can be living examples of Christ’s love each day.