- Sep 2, 2018Creation
- Jun 24, 2018Daring to Wait on GodJun 24, 2018Daring to Wait on GodSeries: Daring FaithFew things make us more irritable than having to wait. And yet waiting is an important part of life. It will come. There will be times of waiting. When you find yourself waiting on God, ask these questions: What do I need to remember when I’m in the waiting room of life? And what do I need to do when I’m in the waiting room of life? There are things we need to remember while we wait, and things we can do while we wait. Today we will learn of the incredibly patient nature of our God. His patience of us demonstrates His great love for us. And His waiting on us demonstrates the great work He is doing in us. If God is willing to wait on us, how much more ought we be willing to wait on Him? As we learn to wait, we learn what it means to be more trusting of God. It takes daring faith to wait on God.
- Jun 17, 2018Daring to Plant in FaithJun 17, 2018Daring to Plant in FaithSeries: Daring FaithOn this Fathers' Day we remember how our Dads "planted" in our lives. They sowed lessons of life and wisdom - not perfectly - but lovingly. By God's grace, those seeds are growing in us and continue to produce fruit in many ways. Today we will look at God’s laws of planting and harvesting. As we do, we learn that planting is an act of faith. We must trust the seed to do its work and trust in the power of God that gave that seed to us in the first place. This law of planting and harvesting extends into multiple areas of life - our relationships, our health, our finances, and our careers - but it has the greatest impact when we sow the seed of God's Word. God has promised us that His Word will not return to Him without accomplishing the purpose for which He has given it. May we demonstrate daring faith as we liberally and generously sow the seeds of God's Word near and far!
- Jun 10, 2018Daring to CommitJun 10, 2018Daring to CommitSeries: Daring Faith
Our lives are shaped by our commitments. Our commitments reflect what we deeply believe in. It's no wonder so many people are afraid of commitment; they don't fully understand what they believe. Thankfully our Lord Jesus was not afraid of commitment. His commitment of love toward His Father and toward us caused Him to sacrifice His own life for us. Today we will explore how our faith motivates our commitments, and where those commitments bear fruit. The goal is that our trust and love of God will cause us to connect with other believers for worship, fellowship and growth, and to use our talents to serve others in ministry and mission to make a difference in eternity!
- Jun 3, 2018Daring to ImgaineJun 3, 2018Daring to ImgaineSeries: Daring FaithThe word "imagination" has at its root the word "image." We were made in the image of God, and part of that image is the ability to imagine. Our imagination is a gift from God, just like our faith is. In fact, there is a relationship between our imagination and our faith. But how are the two supposed to work together? And how can we unlock our imagination so that we dream God-sized dreams and imagine the world the way that God already sees it? The Bible has something to teach us about that.
- May 27, 2018Daring to Give God My BestMay 27, 2018Daring to Give God My BestSeries: Daring FaithThe Bible frequently talks about how the faithful are to live, demonstrating their faith in life. It is only natural that those who have been given - and forgiven - everything by God, want to respond to that gracious gift. We see this in the Old Testament as the prophet Isaiah dedicates himself to God’s service. In the New Testament we see examples of soldiers, athletes and farmers all giving their best to God. We can learn much from these godly examples, and certainly we strive to offer our best to God. Though ultimately the greatest offering made to God was that of His Son, as He poured out His life for our sake. It is only in Him and through His Holy Spirit that we are able to offer any good thing to the Lord.
- May 20, 2018What Happens When You Have FaithMay 20, 2018What Happens When You Have FaithSeries: Daring FaithToday is Pentecost Sunday. On this day we remember how the Holy Spirit was given to the Church as Jesus promised. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to create faith in a person through Word and Sacrament. So it is fitting that on this day we are having our young confirmation students profess their faith and we are receiving the Lord’ Supper! In our message today we will delve into the topic of faith, and discover what happens when we see with eyes of faith instead of eyes of fear. We will look at the Old Testament example of the twelve Israelite spies going into the Promised Land, and the difference between the reports of the ten, versus the reports of Joshua and Caleb, who saw the land with God’s perspective
- May 13, 2018PrayMay 13, 2018PraySeries: Life on MissionIf we are on a mission to connect, serve, share, and grow, doesn’t it make sense that we should stay in communication with the One who is sending us out? Prayer is how we stay connected to God, and is the source of our power and strength. Finding God’s heart for the world starts with prayer because it moves us from our perspective to His perspective. It is a central, consistent means to bring God’s power to bear on every life we touch. We cannot live a life on mission without prayer.
- May 6, 2018GrowMay 6, 2018GrowSeries: Life on MissionHaving a relationship with Jesus should change us. The Bible tells us that we are to be “transformed.” (Romans 12:2) It’s not a matter of self-help and self-improvement, where we try to change ourselves. It’s about inviting God in, turning it all over to Him, and asking Him to do the heavy lifting of renewing us and reshaping us in His image. We are called to be disciples of Jesus which means that we trust Him for eternity, and we surrender to Him now; developing daily habits that help us to be more like Him in the way we live. We are also called to make disciples, which means helping others to do the same!
- Apr 29, 2018ShareApr 29, 2018ShareSeries: Life on MissionThe impact of authentic love is so unlike what people experience in the normal course of life, that they may open the door for us to share our faith and the motivation for our service with them. However, it may also happen that people appreciate our kindness, but never ask why we do what we do. They may just assume that we’re “nice.” So at some point, God asks us to be bold, and to initiate the conversation. This can be a bit scary. But remember, we don’t need to have answers to their every question. We just need to be ready to share our own experiences, and to state clearly and simply how Jesus has changed our lives.
- Apr 22, 2018ServeApr 22, 2018ServeSeries: Life on MissionJesus told us to love God and love others. Love, however, is often misunderstood. (We “love” chocolate, for instance!) To simply say that we love, or even have warm feelings toward someone, is not enough. Loving others means taking action and serving them, and breaking down walls in ways that words simply cannot. When we serve people, we show them that they are not “projects” to us—people we are merely trying to convert. Rather, they are unique individuals who are loved by God and loved by us.
- Apr 15, 2018ConnectApr 15, 2018ConnectSeries: Life on MissionIt may seem obvious, but if we never connect and spend time with people who are far from God, it’s going to be impossible to introduce them to Jesus. Jesus set an example for us by hanging around with people who needed Him—people who needed to be healed, not just physically but spiritually. And He calls us as His followers to not only believe in him, but to live like him and do the same.
- Apr 8, 2018OverviewApr 8, 2018OverviewSeries: Life on MissionAs his followers, Jesus calls us to be witnesses—to tell our stories. We don’t have to be experts in theology or know all the answers about the Bible. We do, however, need to be willing to tell people why we believe, and how we have been changed by the hope that is in us. Really, that’s what it means to live life on mission; to see opportunities right in front of us - opportunities to tell our stories in a way that will be both salt and light in the life of another person. Welcome to your Life on Mission.
- Apr 1, 2018Daring to BelieveApr 1, 2018Daring to BelieveSeries: (All)Today's Easter message seeks to answer two questions. First, what are the benefits of believing in Jesus Christ? Faith in Jesus is life changing and actually beneficial to the believer. We’ll learn how that is so! Second, what does it mean to believe in Jesus? We’ll use the word TRUST to help us learn how to continue to have faith, even in our darkest days.
- Mar 25, 2018Back to the Future