May 18, 2014
The Coming King
Series: Son of God
Slide1Today we hearken back to Palm Sunday. We recognize that when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding that donkey, He was fulfilling prophecies of the Messiah from long ago. Both prophets Jeremiah and Zechariah, among others, speak of the "Kingly" reign of Jesus. Prophecies often have both "near" and "far" fulfillments. On Palm Sunday, the people were proclaiming Jesus as their King. Even Pilate placed a sign over Jesus' head on the cross which named Him as "King of the Jews" ("INRI" in Latin). This was a "near" fulfillment of the prophecies. However, we still await the "far" fulfillment of these prophecies. Those days are still coming (Jer. 23:5) when Jesus will return. Every eye will see Him, every knee will bow before Him and every tongue will profess Him as Lord and King! Until that Day, we
who believe, know and proclaim Him as our King even now.
  • May 18, 2014The Coming King
    May 18, 2014
    The Coming King
    Series: Son of God
    Slide1Today we hearken back to Palm Sunday. We recognize that when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding that donkey, He was fulfilling prophecies of the Messiah from long ago. Both prophets Jeremiah and Zechariah, among others, speak of the "Kingly" reign of Jesus. Prophecies often have both "near" and "far" fulfillments. On Palm Sunday, the people were proclaiming Jesus as their King. Even Pilate placed a sign over Jesus' head on the cross which named Him as "King of the Jews" ("INRI" in Latin). This was a "near" fulfillment of the prophecies. However, we still await the "far" fulfillment of these prophecies. Those days are still coming (Jer. 23:5) when Jesus will return. Every eye will see Him, every knee will bow before Him and every tongue will profess Him as Lord and King! Until that Day, we
    who believe, know and proclaim Him as our King even now.
  • May 11, 2014The Anointed One
    May 11, 2014
    The Anointed One
    Series: Son of God
    Slide1Often people make the mistake of thinking that when Jesus came, He started a new religion. They perceive Christ's teaching as so radically different than the Old Testament, that they are tempted to believe that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are different. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, Jesus Himself states that the Old Testament Scriptures actually testify to Him (John 5:39), and that the prophecies of the coming Messiah are fulfilled in Him (Luke 4:21). So when we read Isaiah 61 or Psalm 2 which refer to the Lord's Anointed, we know that these refer to Jesus. Jesus is the Lord's Anointed. But to what and
    for what purpose is He anointed?
  • May 4, 2014The Sinner’s Friend
    May 4, 2014
    The Sinner’s Friend
    Series: Son of God
    Slide1You've heard, "don't judge a book by its cover." Thankfully, Jesus doesn't see in us just what's on the outside. In fact, in His ministry, Jesus showed a startling - even scandalous - affection for the broken, the lowly, the sinful, and the struggling. Often Jesus endured scorn and ridicule for associating with people that most of us would have considered "undesirable." Even those in Jesus' inner circle of disciples, such as Matthew - a tax collector, were not held in high esteem. You and I often think more highly of ourselves than we ought. When we are honest, we should be grateful and humbled that Jesus, the Son of God, would call us -
    sinners that we are - friends.
  • Apr 27, 2014The Son of Man
    Apr 27, 2014
    The Son of Man
    Series: Son of God
    Slide1“Christ is risen!” We rejoice that Christ, as true God and true Man took our place on the cross, received our punishment and death, and rose victoriously from the grave! How does this work? For Jesus to take the punishment for our sins He had to be true Man, a human, just like us with our weaknesses and struggles … but for His blood to benefit all of humanity for all time, He had to be God, divine and powerful over sin death and the devil. Today, we see that Jesus, as “Son of Man,” identifies with us in our humanity. We learn that He has compassion on us and offers healing to
    all who come to Him to receive His mercy and grace. Will you come to Jesus?