Feb 24, 2019
Miracles of Provision
Series: Miracles
Each kind of miracle we’ve seen so far - deliverance, healing, protection - comes when we recognize that there’s no natural way out of the situation, so God must intervene. It can be tempting, however, to assume that when the situation doesn’t seem desperate, that God doesn’t need to get involved. But we must ask ourselves, when we are experiencing good health, deliverance from evil and protection from danger… isn’t God acting then too? Today we will see something similar with God’s gift of provision. Sometimes our need for food, shelter or some vital resource is so desperate that our only solution is a miracle of provision. But what about when we are well fed and resourced? Isn’t that a miracle too?
- Feb 24, 2019Miracles of ProvisionFeb 24, 2019Miracles of ProvisionSeries: MiraclesEach kind of miracle we’ve seen so far - deliverance, healing, protection - comes when we recognize that there’s no natural way out of the situation, so God must intervene. It can be tempting, however, to assume that when the situation doesn’t seem desperate, that God doesn’t need to get involved. But we must ask ourselves, when we are experiencing good health, deliverance from evil and protection from danger… isn’t God acting then too? Today we will see something similar with God’s gift of provision. Sometimes our need for food, shelter or some vital resource is so desperate that our only solution is a miracle of provision. But what about when we are well fed and resourced? Isn’t that a miracle too?
- Feb 17, 2019Miracles of ProtectionFeb 17, 2019Miracles of ProtectionSeries: MiraclesHave you ever had an experience where you feel that God protected you? Why is it that sometimes we are more inclined to think something is a coincidence rather than a miracle of protection? Clearly we have many biblical examples of God protecting His people. We see God protecting the Israelites as they pass through the Red Sea, Joseph as his brothers sell him into slavery, Daniel as he's thrown into the Lion's Den, and the Apostles as they are persecuted for the Gospel of Jesus. Time and time again, God shows us that He is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. May we take great comfort knowing that He is with us - in the storms of life, and even through the valley of the shadow of death. This is a miracle, isn’t it?
- Feb 10, 2019Miracles of HealingFeb 10, 2019Miracles of HealingSeries: MiraclesHave you ever heard about or even experienced a miraculous healing? It’s a wonderful thing. Just when the worst seems inevitable, God brings about healing that would otherwise be impossible. From Elijah, to Jesus, to Peter, to Paul—miracles of healing are all throughout the Bible. Yet, when it comes to physical, mental, or emotional illness in our own lives, it gets harder to believe, doesn’t it? What do you do when you pray for healing and don't see the miracle you're looking for? It can be tempting to believe that God isn’t close to us, He doesn’t care, or maybe He’s not even real. Shall we stop praying for healing? By all means no. We learn in God's word to ask, seek, and knock. Jesus always hears us.
- Feb 3, 2019Miracle of DeliveranceFeb 3, 2019Miracle of DeliveranceSeries: MiraclesWe throw around the word “miracle” a lot. An underdog team pulls off the upset. A new diet pill helps you lose weight without even trying. A flight with engine trouble lands safely. But what about real miracles, when the truly impossible becomes reality? Do we really believe that can happen? For many of us, if we’re honest, the answer is “no.” We’d just as soon expect to see a pig fly. Around Jesus, though, it happened a lot. Eyesight to the blind. Diseases healed. The dead raised to life. Miracles happen. They still happen today. If we open our eyes, we might actually see the miracles God is doing around us, and if we look with the eyes of faith, we might even see one in our own lives.