Dec 24, 2020
Always: Christmas Eve Service
Series: God With Us
When is God with us? The Bible echoes over and over that God is with us Always. Join us as we conclude our “God With Us” series with a message of hope given to us as a Baby in a manger. Questions: - How did this message change the way you think about the Christmas story? - Which part of Jesus’ human experience most impacts you? - Jesus went through a lot to be with you. What have you done, or what do you want to do, to make room for Him? - How will you continue to encounter Jesus this week? Action: - Read Matthew 28:19-20 - How will you respond to His command this next year? Visit for more information! Video clips from "The Bible" Mini-series. CVLI #504298638. Visit for more information.
  • Dec 24, 2020Always: Christmas Eve Service
    Dec 24, 2020
    Always: Christmas Eve Service
    Series: God With Us
    When is God with us? The Bible echoes over and over that God is with us Always. Join us as we conclude our “God With Us” series with a message of hope given to us as a Baby in a manger. Questions: - How did this message change the way you think about the Christmas story? - Which part of Jesus’ human experience most impacts you? - Jesus went through a lot to be with you. What have you done, or what do you want to do, to make room for Him? - How will you continue to encounter Jesus this week? Action: - Read Matthew 28:19-20 - How will you respond to His command this next year? Visit for more information! Video clips from "The Bible" Mini-series. CVLI #504298638. Visit for more information.
  • Dec 20, 2020In the Storm
    Dec 20, 2020
    In the Storm
    Series: God With Us
    You’re not alone. He’s with you through the pain. He comforts you in the waiting. When you’re anxious about your future, He gives you courage. As you climb the mountain, He keeps you safe in His arms. In every moment, we have God With Us. Does the struggle in the storms of life make your faith waver? In Week 3 of God With Us, we learn how we can trust God in the middle of the Storm.
      - What’s a major storm you’ve experienced in your life? How has it changed the way you relate to God?
      - Pastor Augie said, “Peace isn’t found in the absence of a storm. Peace is found in the presence of God.” What are some ways you try to find false peace? How will you seek God’s presence instead?
      - Who do you know who is going through a storm? How can you show them God’s love this week?
      - Look for the ways God was with you during a stormy season in your life. Then thank Him for it in prayer and worship this week.
  • Dec 13, 2020In the Wilderness
    Dec 13, 2020
    In the Wilderness
    Series: God With Us
    In the Wilderness: You’re not alone. He’s with you through the pain. He comforts you in the waiting. When you’re anxious about your future, He gives you courage. As you climb the mountain, He keeps you safe in His arms. In every moment, we have God With Us. Do you ever feel lost In the Wilderness - unsure of how to find God’s presence? In Week 2 of God With Us, we’ll discuss how to seek God when we feel alone. Questions: - How did God communicate to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:3-12? How about you? How can you adjust your life to hear from Him? - Pastor Augie said, “Your deepest need becomes a gift when it drives you to depend on God.” Have you experienced this gift? Action: - Practice waiting on God this week. Each day, ask Him to turn your needs into the gift of depending on Him. Visit for more information!
  • Dec 6, 2020In The Valley
    Dec 6, 2020
    In The Valley
    Series: God With Us
    In the Valley: You’re not alone. He’s with you through the pain. He comforts you in the waiting. When you’re anxious about your future, He gives you courage. As you climb the mountain, He keeps you safe in His arms. In every moment, we have God With Us. It’s easy to find hope in God on the mountaintop. This week, we will discover how to find hope in God In the Valley also. Questions: - On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you think and live like God is always with you? Explain. - Pastor Augie talked about how we get to know God in the valleys. What have you learned about God in a valley? - God is with you. How can you draw near to Him during this season of your life? Visit for more information!