Nov 26, 2017

Love brings great fulfillment and comfort. But it can also bring deep regret if we do not love well. When Peter does not love Jesus well, Jesus gives him the opportunity to be restored. He gives up the same opportunity.

  • Nov 26, 2017Love
    Nov 26, 2017

    Love brings great fulfillment and comfort. But it can also bring deep regret if we do not love well. When Peter does not love Jesus well, Jesus gives him the opportunity to be restored. He gives up the same opportunity.

  • Nov 19, 2017Youth
    Nov 19, 2017
    We probably all have things we did in our younger years that we regret now that we’re older. King David wrote Psalm 25. Even though he committed grave sins, God remembered him according to His love, not David’s sins. David speaks of the descendants of the man who fears the Lord; they will inherit the land. David’s descendants lead ultimately to Jesus - He is the fulfillment of all God’s promises to Israel through David. Because of Jesus we inherit the land and all of God’s promises, despite the sins of our youth.
  • Nov 5, 2017Faith
    Nov 5, 2017
    Even people who seem to have strong faith sometimes doubt. This was the case even with John the Baptist. John the Baptist wondered out loud if Jesus was the Messiah. Perhaps you struggle with doubt and you wonder if you can ever be forgiven for your doubt. Jesus spoke to John’s doubts lovingly, and He speaks to our doubts in the same way
  • Oct 22, 2017Priorities
    Oct 22, 2017
    With all the things clamoring for our time and attention, it is easy for our priorities to become misplaced. We worry about temporal things more than eternal things. Jesus reminds us that the things of heaven always outweigh the worries of this world.
  • Oct 15, 2017Desires
    Oct 15, 2017
    In and of themselves, desires can be good things. God has given us the ability to desire.  But as with all good gifts from God, our desires have become tainted by sin.  When we desire something God has given in a way that goes against what God has commanded, disaster results. Just ask Adam and Eve. So, how do we desire well? And how do we recover from mismanaged desires?  This is yet another area of our lives we need to "reboot."
  • Oct 8, 2017Finances
    Oct 8, 2017

    Many people have financial regrets that have left them in over their heads. This is why faithful stewardship is so important! No matter how much or little you have, you can steward your resources well, even if you have stewarded them poorly in the past.

  • Oct 1, 2017Parenting
    Oct 1, 2017

    One of the saddest parenting stories in the Bible is that of David and Absalom. Years of neglectful parenting finally resulted in Absalom’s rebellion and death. By the time David sees what has happened, it is too late. What can we do as parents today to escape regrets tomorrow? And how do we deal with regrets for past mistakes we have made as parents?

  • Sep 24, 2017Peace
    Sep 24, 2017
    Our lives can get out of control! Jesus knew this too. When He tried to get some rest, needy crowds interrupted His plans. When the pace of life becomes too fast, how do we find rest? The short answer is not always by changing our pace, but by turning toward Christ.
  • Sep 17, 2017Marriage
    Sep 17, 2017
    Marriage is meant to be a beautiful picture of how Christ loves His Church. Because of sin, however, this picture can be distorted and, tragically, sometimes even destroyed. How do we recover the picture of love God desires and has designed for our marriages? Paul answers, “Be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).
  • Sep 10, 2017Righteousness
    Sep 10, 2017
    At the root of all regret is a lack of righteousness. Rather than doing what is right, we do what is wrong. This is Paul’s struggle in Romans 7. But rather than developing a plan to fix his problem with righteousness, Paul looks to Christ to rescue him from his problem with righteousness. Do we look to Christ as well?