Nov 10, 2019
Are you prepared?
Series: (All)
AS WE GATHER The world is rapidly moving away from a Christian worldview. Are you prepared for this cultural shift? Are you ready to give a reason for your faith? With this passage St. Paul is writing to Christians facing a world like ours is about to become. With this advice he empowers and strengthened the Ephesians to proclaim the Gospel. This empowerment is ours as well in our modern world.
  • Nov 10, 2019Are you prepared?
    Nov 10, 2019
    Are you prepared?
    Series: (All)
    AS WE GATHER The world is rapidly moving away from a Christian worldview. Are you prepared for this cultural shift? Are you ready to give a reason for your faith? With this passage St. Paul is writing to Christians facing a world like ours is about to become. With this advice he empowers and strengthened the Ephesians to proclaim the Gospel. This empowerment is ours as well in our modern world.