Dec 21, 2014
The Power of Christ
Series: Comfort and Joy
Welcome to our Advent worship series, Comfort and Joy. Each service in this
4-part series focuses on a selected portion of Isaiah 40. Today’s service
is based on Isaiah 40:10-11 and reminds us that God himself came to live
among us and be our Savior, but his power was displayed in the weakness and
humility of the manger and the cross. We pray you will find calm and rest
in the soothing message that Christ came to bring us power even in our
weakest moments. Let the words, Scripture, music and prayers of this
worship service wash over you with peace that only Christ can give.
- Dec 21, 2014The Power of ChristDec 21, 2014The Power of ChristSeries: Comfort and JoyWelcome to our Advent worship series, Comfort and Joy. Each service in this 4-part series focuses on a selected portion of Isaiah 40. Today’s service is based on Isaiah 40:10-11 and reminds us that God himself came to live among us and be our Savior, but his power was displayed in the weakness and humility of the manger and the cross. We pray you will find calm and rest in the soothing message that Christ came to bring us power even in our weakest moments. Let the words, Scripture, music and prayers of thisworship service wash over you with peace that only Christ can give.
- Dec 14, 2014The Presence of ChristDec 14, 2014The Presence of ChristSeries: Comfort and JoyWelcome to our Advent worship series, Comfort and Joy. Each service in this 4-part series focuses on a selected portion of Isaiah 40. Today’s service is based on Isaiah 40:6-9 and reminds us that Christ is present with us now and that he will come again in glory on the Last Day. We pray you will find calm and rest in the soothing message that Christ came to bring us peace in our troubled times. Let the words, Scripture, music and prayers of thisworship service wash over you with peace that only Christ can give.
- Dec 7, 2014The Pardon of ChristDec 7, 2014The Pardon of ChristSeries: Comfort and JoyWelcome to our Advent worship series, Comfort and Joy. Each service in this 4-part series focuses on a selected portion of Isaiah 40. Today’s service is based on Isaiah 40:3-5 and reminds us to prepare the way of the Lord through repentance, as the forgiveness we receive through Christ makes the rough places of our lives smooth. We pray you will find calm and rest in the soothing message that Christ came to bring us pardon for our sins. Let the words, Scripture, music and prayers of this worship service wash over you with forgiveness, and grant you the comfort and joy that only Christcan give!
- Nov 30, 2014The Peace of ChristNov 30, 2014The Peace of ChristSeries: Comfort and JoyWelcome to our Advent worship series, Comfort and Joy. Each service in this 4-part series focuses on a selected portion of Isaiah 40. Today’s service is based on Isaiah 40:1-2 and highlights for us that true peace comes only through Jesus Christ and the forgiveness that he brings. He ends warfare without and within and He is our one and only Prince of Peace. We pray you will find calm and rest in the soothing message that Christ came to bring us peace in our troubled times. Let the words, Scripture, music and prayersof this worship service wash over you with peace that only Christ can give.
- Nov 2, 2014Why We Give to GodNov 2, 2014Why We Give to GodSeries: StewardshipA Christian steward (from where we get the word, “stewardship”) is a child of God who realizes his/her role in life as a partner, a trustee, a manager, a caretaker or a temporary custodian of gifts that belong to God. The Christian steward receives God’s precious gifts gratefully, manages God’s precious gifts carefully and responsibly according to his or her vocations, shares God’s precious gifts with others generously, and returns God’s precious gifts joyfully with increase. We have been granted the high privilege of being God’s stewards. God created us to be stewards, and He re-created us in Holy Baptism to be Christian stewards. It is a positionthat comes to us completely by God’s grace in Christ!
- Oct 26, 2014How Do I Honor God with My Finances?Oct 26, 2014How Do I Honor God with My Finances?Series: StewardshipHonor. We hear a lot about it in terms of the government and even corporations. People will call into question whether certain policies or business practices are honorable. But do we think much about how honor applies to our own lives? Do we give much thought to the honor of our own actions? In truth, we have the ability to bring honor to God in the way that we live. Today’s message challenges us to realize that God has expectations concerning how we use our finances. Scripture suggests that there are honorable ways to use our monetary blessings. We want to use our God-given resources in a way that brings honor to God. Just how do we dothat?
- Oct 12, 2014Lukewarm or Living?Oct 12, 2014Lukewarm or Living?Series: RevelationIn Jesus final letter to the seven churches, to the church at Laodicea, He says, “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline” (Rev. 3:19). Jesus references many Scriptural themes that reinforce the truth of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures. This reference points to Proverbs 3:11-12 which is quoted in Hebrews 12:5-6. If God needs to correct you, He will. It’s the loving thing to do. He also says, “I stand at the door and knock” (3:20) These words of Jesus are directed at believers. This is a call to renew and deepen our relationship with Him. Jesus does not want to be onthe “outside” of your life!
- Oct 5, 2014The Hope of HeavenOct 5, 2014The Hope of HeavenSeries: RevelationWill heaven be a remake of what we’ve got now? Will we still be on this planet? Some claim that heaven will be on this earth. What’s the truth? According to the Bible, everything will be new. The old things will be gone. “New heaven and new earth” (and no more sea) is a Hebrew way of saying that everything we know now will be completely new and different. There won’t be anything “same-old, same-old.” In heaven, God will dwell with us. The majesty and wonder of heaven – including the massive dimensions – show us that we are in store for blessing beyond our imagination. You won’t miss anything in heaven, but rather have everythingwonderful and glorious to gain!
- Sep 28, 2014The Rapture and ArmageddonSep 28, 2014The Rapture and ArmageddonSeries: RevelationChapter three brings two extremes of conversation from Jesus. We hear harsh and direct words that are intended to shake believers back to reality, and we hear words of loving persistence as Jesus brings comfort to His faithful people. To the church in Sardis, we hear the confrontational words of Jesus as He tells them to “wake up!” But we also hear Jesus comfort some as He says there are some in this church who will walk with Him “dressed in white!” For those who are asleep in their sin, Jesus’ judgment will come upon them as a surprise like a thief. But to those whose names are in the book of life, they will be declared worthy before the Father. Both words of warning and comfort. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spiritsays to the churches.
- Sep 21, 2014Understanding God’s JusticeSep 21, 2014Understanding God’s JusticeSeries: RevelationEarlier in this series, we talked about Judgment Day. The undeniable truth is that one day Jesus will return to judge everyone on earth. However, how will He judge? Will He judge like we would judge? Let’s hope not. For if He did, few would be in heaven. We humans readily receive the grace of God for ourselves, but we are often unwilling to grant it to others. Likewise, if God judged like we judged, there would be few in hell. We humans are very uncomfortable with hell as a place of eternal punishment. We can hardly fathom that a good and loving God would even create such a place, let alone torment people in it forever. What to do? That is why we must readily agree with God’s Word through prophet Isaiah when He says, “my thoughts are not your thoughts.” Thankfully, God sees all things and knowsall things, and His judgments are always right!
- Sep 14, 2014Defending Against EvilSep 14, 2014Defending Against EvilSeries: RevelationWhat do people do when something bad happens? They say, "God, what are You doing? Why are You letting this happen?" Or we are astonished: "How could this tragedy take place? What did I do to deserve this? How could this illness strike? I’m amazed that the world is in such chaos!" We live as if evil doesn’t exist. You and I behave as if most of our intentions and actions are basically pretty good. We even live in denial that Satan's primary target area is the church! The devil prowls around like a lion, the Bible warns us – seeking to devour. Until our Lord returns, evil is alwaysactive… but there is hope for God’s people!
- Sep 7, 2014Judgment DaySep 7, 2014Judgment DaySeries: RevelationFear. This was perhaps the central sin of the second church Jesus address in the book of Revelation – the church in Smyrna. In the face of suffering, poverty, and persecution from both Rome and the Jews, He tells this church to “stop fearing!” Who better to trust, than one who identifies Himself as “the First and Last,” The One who was “dead and came back to life.” (2:8) In this brief letter to the believers in Smyrna, Jesus reminds them that any suffering that comes their way, He allows. However, their suffering will be limited, and eventually will end. But when itdoes, they (and we) will receive the crown of eternal life!
- Aug 31, 2014The Antichrist and Two WitnessesAug 31, 2014The Antichrist and Two WitnessesSeries: RevelationEach of the cities mentioned in Revelation chapters 2-3 is a cultural center with business guilds, a wide array of people and religions, and a selection of opportunities from libraries to theaters to sports. Along with this city life came many temptations and distractions for believers in Christ. In addition, the strong Roman presence was putting the pressure on believers to give up their faith. Today we consider the church at Ephesus, and how the spirit of the Antichrist attempts to snuff out both their loveand their witness.
- Aug 24, 2014A Message of HopeAug 24, 2014A Message of HopeSeries: RevelationWhat is it about the book of Revelation? It draws people to it with its mysterious intrigue – and yet people are often fearful of wading into the depths of its content. It is our hope that through this 8 week message series at Redeemer you will come away with a better understanding of this well known, yet often avoided, book of the Bible … and that you will come away encouraged. For all its talk of judgment and destruction, the book of Revelation is ultimately a message of hope for its hearers. As a literary work, it is unlike none other. It is full of imagery and drama, yet it is a book intended to be understood. And while it addresses the battle ofgood versus evil, it makes clear that in the end, our God is victorious.
- Aug 17, 2014“The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” – Whose Fight?Aug 17, 2014“The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” – Whose Fight?Series: God on Film 2014Today we conclude our God on Film message series with a movie that is considered epic high fantasy. "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" is the work of Christian author J. R. R. Tolkien. But can we possibly find spiritual relevance in a work of clear fiction and fantasy? Tolkien sure hoped so, and so do we. Today's themes of victory, honor, love, friendship and self-sacrifice are all visible in the scene from the movie as well as our Biblical texts. Jesus didn't intend for His disciples to simply sit back and watch evil triumph in the world. Rather, He calls us into loving service and defense of our neighbor. Moreover, He doesn't just call us into service, He demonstrated that loving service and protection as He laiddown His life for us undeserving sinners.