Feb 12, 2017
The Meal: Lord’s Supper
Series: Foundations
When Jesus celebrates the Passover with His disciples the night before He dies, it becomes more than a Passover.  It becomes a promise of His presence.  For in, with, and under simple forms of bread and wine is the Body and Blood of Christ.  Today, we consider the Passover and how Jesus’ death on a cross leads God to not merely pass-over our sins, but to forgive them!
  • Feb 12, 2017The Meal: Lord’s Supper
    Feb 12, 2017
    The Meal: Lord’s Supper
    Series: Foundations
    When Jesus celebrates the Passover with His disciples the night before He dies, it becomes more than a Passover.  It becomes a promise of His presence.  For in, with, and under simple forms of bread and wine is the Body and Blood of Christ.  Today, we consider the Passover and how Jesus’ death on a cross leads God to not merely pass-over our sins, but to forgive them!
  • Feb 5, 2017The Water: Baptism
    Feb 5, 2017
    The Water: Baptism
    Series: Foundations
    In the last chapter of Matthew, Jesus calls us to make disciples in two ways: by teaching His Word and by baptizing in His name (Matthew 28:19-20). The Ethiopian eunuch became a disciple by being baptized. Jesus still makes disciples in baptism today!  What a gracious and wonderful gift our Lord gives us in Baptism.
  • Jan 29, 2017The Gathering : Worship
    Jan 29, 2017
    The Gathering : Worship
    Series: Foundations
    Worship is the natural and inevitable response of people who have faith to God’s goodness. In this message, we look at the nature of worship, the location of worship, and the focus of worship in the Christian life.
  • Jan 15, 2017The Word: God’s Word
    Jan 15, 2017
    The Word: God’s Word
    Series: Foundations
    Jesus give us words in His teaching and He is the Word made flesh. Thus, it's vital that we hear and practice His words. In today’s message we talk about the nature and character of Jesus’ words - how they are perfect - and how they call us both to faith and to action.
  • Jan 8, 2017The Story – God’s Big Story
    Jan 8, 2017
    The Story – God’s Big Story
    Series: Foundations
    The story of the Bible moves from God’s Creation to our Fall to Christ’s Redemption to the Final Restoration. In the introduction to our new message series, we look at how Christ undoes the curse of our Fall into sin by becoming cursed on a cross for us.
  • Dec 25, 2016What Was Seen at Bethlehem
    Dec 25, 2016
    What Was Seen at Bethlehem
    Series: (All)
    Jesus is God, Creator, Lord of the universe, and yet also man. What a mystery, and what a testimony! Imagine being there in Bethlehem, and seeing the infant Jesus with your own eyes. What would you have seen? And how would you testify to others about what you had seen? The Apostle Luke says that the angels testified that the Savior had been born (Luke 2:11). The Apostle John testifies that the Christ was full of grace and truth (John 1:14). We receive the testimony, and by the Holy Spirit we are able to believe it. May our lives be transformed by this Truth – the Son of God has come to us!
  • Dec 24, 2016God’s Christmas Gift to You
    Dec 24, 2016
    God’s Christmas Gift to You
    Series: (All)
    Welcome!  We’re glad you’re here.  May peace from the Prince of Peace be yours.  The first Christmas Eve was a time of new beginnings for the world, so much so that our calendar (B.C. and A.D.) is based on the event we celebrate tonight!  The created world, once new and perfect, had fallen into darkness and sin after Adam and Eve disobeyed God.  At the birth of Jesus – perfect man and perfect God – a bright light began to shine in that world that had been darkened by sin.  In His light we have life, peace and joy.  Truly, the Christ Child is God’s greatest gift to the world!
  • Dec 18, 2016The Ghost of Christmas Future – Transformation
    Dec 18, 2016
    The Ghost of Christmas Future – Transformation
    The Ghost of Christmas Future was sent to terrify Ebenezer Scrooge (from Charles Dicken’s 
    A Christmas Carol) with a vision of his future - one of loneliness, gloom, and death - if he did not change his ways.  During our worship today, may we experience a renewed wonder that our God was incarnate and sent to this world at Christmas to give us a vision of our future: one of joy, peace, and glory!
  • Dec 11, 2016The Ghost of Christmas Present – Repentance
    Dec 11, 2016
    The Ghost of Christmas Present – Repentance
    pictureIn Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol
    , the Ghost of Christmas Present was sent to haunt Ebenezer Scrooge with visions of his miserable condition.  In the same way, our God sends the Holy Spirit to us through His Word to bring us to repentance about the sin that causes the misery in our lives.  May we open our hearts to the visitation of the Holy Spirit in our worship as we await Christmas.  
  • Dec 4, 2016The Ghost of Christmas Past – Sorrow
    Dec 4, 2016
    The Ghost of Christmas Past – Sorrow
    The weeks of Advent which lead up to the celebration of Christmas can be times of sorrow for many people, for many reasons.  It may feel that we bear spiritual chains, just as the ghost of Marley did at the beginning of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol.  May it be that we are freed from any and all sorrow by the visitation of the Holy Spirit, during worship today.
  • Nov 27, 2016Developing Patience and Prayer
    Nov 27, 2016
    Developing Patience and Prayer
    A lot of your life is spent waiting. You need patience in every area of your life.  The book of James teaches us about patience. In chapter 5, St. James uses the word "patience" or "perseverance" six times, giving us three different illustrations to teach us when to be patient, why to be patient, and how to be patient. But what shall we do while we wait?  James concludes his epistle with clear instructions to pray in our challenges and to pray in our waiting.  Prayer allows us to wait with hope.  As we begin this season of Advent, that is just what we do ... wait with hope!
  • Nov 20, 2016Being Wise with Your Wealth
    Nov 20, 2016
    Being Wise with Your Wealth
    Many people wrongly believe that the Bible teaches that it's wrong to be wealthy. They think that the Bible says that "Money is the root of all evil" It actually says "The love of money is the root of all evil."  (emphasis added.) God is not opposed to wealth, in fact, many good people in the Bible were extremely wealthy including Abraham, Job, David and Solomon in the Old Testament and Barnabas and Joseph of Arimathea in the New Testament.  So God is not opposed to wealth, simply for wealth's sake. But God is very much opposed to the misuse and abuse of wealth. He wants us to use our wealth wisely, no matter how much or how little we have.  Today we are going to look at both wrong and right uses of wealth - so that no matter how much money we have, we use it wisely.
  • Nov 6, 2016Facing Your Future
    Nov 6, 2016
    Facing Your Future
    2016-james-series-cropped2Wouldn't you like to be able to predict the future?  People try.  Some use tea leaves, fortune cookies, astrology, palm reading and more - all in an effort to get a grasp on the future.  We read books, subscribe to services that provide forecasts and economic predictions. We attend conferences and seminars on planning and goal setting, and on and on. But what is the Christian viewpoint toward the future? How are we to prepare for and react to the unknowns in our future?  St. James has something to say about that - including some mistakes to avoid.
  • Oct 30, 2016Not Trying to Play God
    Oct 30, 2016
    Not Trying to Play God
    We tend to judge others.  We don't like to admit it, but we make judgments about other people.  We don't always speak those judgments out-loud, but we make them in our heart.  We do this with people we are close to, as well as people we've only observed briefly.  The truth is that what we judge in others is in fact often the very thing we dislike in ourselves.  Psychologists have known this for a long time - we tend to react to what we perceive as our own weaknesses.  This makes sense, because we are all guilty of breaking the same Law - God's Law.  The challenge for us, James points out, is that there is only one Lawgiver - and therefore only one Judge.  God. 
  • Oct 23, 2016Avoiding Arguments
    Oct 23, 2016
    Avoiding Arguments
    2016-james-series-cropped2 James doesn't beat around the bush. He gets right to the point. He doesn't waste any time. Long before modern psychology came along he had some profound insights on the cause of conflict: "What causes fights and quarrels among you. Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?" (4:1) James says that the cause of arguments is conflicting desires. When my wants conflict with your wants we have conflict.  The question we discuss today, is how does the Christian respond when that happens?