Dec 20, 2015
The Day of His Coming
Series: The Prophets Speak - Advent 2015

will come to the world, and has come - Jesus Christ.
- Dec 20, 2015The Day of His ComingDec 20, 2015The Day of His ComingSeries: The Prophets Speak - Advent 2015
In this service of Advent we once again hear the prophet Malachi speak. He asks the very question we ask today, “Who can endure the day of His coming?” As we look at our world with its confusion and struggles, we might wonder what the world is coming to. Will wickedness increase? The Bible says it will, but that the Lord will return to judge and finally put an end to evil and sin. We don't know when the world will end or what it will come to in the meantime. But we sure know who
will come to the world, and has come - Jesus Christ. - Dec 13, 2015God Will Establish a NationDec 13, 2015God Will Establish a NationSeries: The Prophets Speak - Advent 2015The prophet Micah, whose name means “Who is like God?” prophesied that people would come from all over to the Mountain of the Lord. God has always and continually invited people from all around the world to His presence. The prophets give us a glimpse of what will be fully realized when Christ returns, but even now God's people enjoy the presence of the Lord in His Church through Word and Sacrament. We gather so that He may teach us His ways and forgive our sins, and we offer Him our worship and praise.
- Dec 6, 2015Looking for RighteousnessDec 6, 2015Looking for RighteousnessSeries: The Prophets Speak - Advent 2015
The prophet Jeremiah spoke these words 600 years Before Christ, speaking on behalf of God, saying: “Behold, the days are coming when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made.” (Jer. 33:14) Through the prophet Jeremiah God reminds His people of the promised Savior who would come to rescue them. In reminding them, God is calling them back to Him in repentance. During this season of Advent, may we also repent and turn to God for our salvation.