Nov 29, 2020
Soli Deo Gloria
By: Paul Martin
Series: Sola
Soli Deo Gloria explains how we should live. Everything we do should be connected to Christ. In this way, we have no spiritual life and everyday life, we only have a Christ-centered life. Do you do everything with Christ in mind?
- Nov 29, 2020Soli Deo GloriaNov 29, 2020Soli Deo GloriaBy: Paul MartinSeries: SolaSoli Deo Gloria explains how we should live. Everything we do should be connected to Christ. In this way, we have no spiritual life and everyday life, we only have a Christ-centered life. Do you do everything with Christ in mind?
- Nov 22, 2020Scripture AloneNov 22, 2020Scripture AloneSeries: SolaWhen it comes to understanding God, it can be all too tempting to trust ourselves rather than God’s Word. We try to trust our consciences, our culture, or our comprehension. But going beyond God’s Word either allows us to create a God in our own image (Mark 7:1-13) or saddles us with burdens we cannot bear (Matthew 23:4). My Next Step(s): - I will not subtract from the Word of God, or ignore it. - I will not add to the Word of God—rules, regulations, traditions or otherwise. - I will not make God in my image, rather I will conform my life to the Word of God. - I will find a time, place and pattern (tools) to daily experience the Word of God! Visit for more information!
- Nov 15, 2020Faith AloneNov 15, 2020Faith AloneSeries: SolaFaith Alone The way in which we receive God’s grace is through faith. We trust that God wants to forgive and save us. If we seek to work for what God has given, we are saying that God’s work is not enough. Do we trust God’s work so completely that we do not try to add to it or augment it? My Next Step(s): - I will check sources to verify the truth of something before sharing it. - I will not lie or “move the mark” in order to justify myself! - I will not justify my sinfulness by comparing myself to others. God is my standard. - I will examine the Scriptures to “test” what they say about me, and about God. - I will find true peace through Faith Alone in Christ Alone by Grace Alone. Visit for more information!
- Nov 8, 2020Grace AloneNov 8, 2020Grace AloneSeries: SolaGrace Alone - Grace is when God gives us what we do not deserve. In a culture that works on merit, that can be difficult for us to accept! Yet, even if grace goes against our cultural senses, it is a deep spiritual need – for each and every one of us. My Next Step(s): - I will thank God that I am released from my burden of performance. - I will receive with gratitude God’s underserved and free gift of Grace! - I will not be jealous or otherwise begrudge others of receiving God’s grace. - I will strive to be gracious to those who are indebted to me.
- Nov 1, 2020Christ AloneNov 1, 2020Christ AloneSeries: SolaChrist Alone - It is tempting to exalt ourselves over Christ. John the Baptist, however, knew that things work the way they should only when we decrease and Christ increases. In what ways are you trying to add your boasting to Christ’s work? How does that lessen your hope? My Next Step(s): - I will find my hope and place the confidence of my salvation in Christ alone! - I will point to Jesus by my attitude of humility. - I will point to Jesus by my loving service of others. - I will point to Jesus by speaking of what He has done for me, and His love for us.
- Oct 25, 2020Cross AloneOct 25, 2020Cross AloneSeries: SolaReformation - Cross Alone Today, we celebrate a moment in time when a man with a message changed the world. In 1517, Martin Luther gave voice to concerns by posting his 95 Theses (against indulgences) on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31. His intention was to bring to light the fact that the people were being led into false belief in a practice called indulgences. What happened changed the world in profound ways. My Next Step(s): - I will bring my suffering to Jesus—He shares in my suffering. - I will bring my sin to Jesus—He forgives my sin. - I will not fear death—Jesus has conquered death on the cross! - I will find hope in the cross of Christ—for through it I have eternal life.
- Feb 7, 2016Sola: Faith AloneFeb 7, 2016Sola: Faith AloneBy: Jeff MoellerSeries: SolaBy His suffering and death as the substitute for all people of all time, Jesus purchased and won forgiveness and eternal life for them. Those who hear this Good News and believe it have the eternal life that it offers. We cannot do anything to add to or complete this gift of forgiveness – we only receive it by faith.
- Jan 31, 2016Sola: Christ AloneJan 31, 2016Sola: Christ AloneSeries: SolaLast week we saw how God's grace alone gives hope to sinful human beings. Further, we believe that the basis for God's grace to us is the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ alone. The Apostles and Jesus have taught us that there is no other name under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved. According to our Small Catechism, and the explanation of the Apostles' Creed, we believe "that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord. He has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature." In other words, we are saved because of God's grace to us in Jesus Christ alone..
- Jan 24, 2016Sola: Grace AloneJan 24, 2016Sola: Grace AloneSeries: SolaAt the heart of what Lutherans believe is the conviction that salvation is the free gift of God's grace (undeserved love and mercy) alone for the sake of Christ alone. "Since the fall of Adam, all who are naturally born are born with sin" (Augsburg Confession, per Romans 5, Psalm 51). This ... makes it completely impossible for anyone toearn God's love and forgiveness. If salvation were dependent on human initiative and effort, there would be no hope for anyone. But God forgives our sins, says Luther, "freely and without condition, out of pure grace" (Large Catechism). God's grace alone gives hope to sinful human beings. And the sole basis for God's grace is the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. - An Introduction to the LC-MS,CPH 2009.
- Jan 17, 2016Sola: Scripture AloneJan 17, 2016Sola: Scripture AloneSeries: SolaToday we begin a message series that will look at four phrases known as the “Solas” of our faith. They summarize teachings that we as a Church affirm and are taught in the Bible. The phrases themselves can be traced back to the 16th Century Reformation. Each contains a form of the word “Sola” (a Latin word meaning “alone”) and summarizes a foundational truth in regards to how God saves sinners. Today we look at “Sola Scriptura” (Scripture Alone). The Bible is God’s inerrant and infallible Word, in which He reveals His Law and His Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. It is the sole rule and norm for Christian doctrine. It is authoritative and powerful in the life of the Christian.