According to the Bible, love is much more than a feeling you have, a place you fall, or a treasure you find. Love is something that you do. In this series, inspired by Bob Goff’s book Love Does, we explore what God’s love looks like and discuss how we can reflect God’s love in our lives.
January 19 – I’m With You
A big part of love is simply being present with someone. This is why God promises His people, over and over again, “I will be with you.” And yet, God is with us in a special and specific way – through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is only through Jesus that we can safely encounter God. This is what Jacob discovered as he wrestled with God one night.
February 2 – Free to Fail
When you love someone, it can be difficult to watch them make foolish choices.And yet, sometimes love lets others learn from their mistakes because love wants to encourage people to take responsibility for their own actions. Jesus lets His disciples make mistakes not so He can condemn them, but so that He can grow them.
February 9 – Audacious Love
True love does not just affirm those the world would deem “lovable,” it befriends those others overlooks. This is what Jesus does with a Samaritan woman in John 4. How can love those the world overlooks?
February 16 – Be Not Afraid
John writes, “Perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18). Stephen was a man so convinced of God’s love for him in Christ that he was willing to face even martyrdom because he knew his eternity was secure.
Love ultimately calls for commitment. This is why couples speak vows at their weddings. This is why parents make promises to their children. To love Jesus, we must commit to following Him, even as Jesus has committed to dying for us.