Trials will surely come for us, but take heart. There is victory to be shared! Through this eight-week dive into the book of First Peter, we find a letter full of promise for everyone who has an ear to hear.
July 19: Dawn is Coming
Are you familiar with suffering or difficult days? Peter encourages us to take hold of the hope and power we have because of Jesus. Keep going, dawn is coming!
July 26: Love While You Can
Trials feel long lasting, but our time is short. Choose to set your minds on things above, keep your eyes towards Jesus, and love people all the while.

August 2: Home Away From Home
Where do you belong? One of the greatest gifts we have in Christ is our promise of a home in Heaven. Until then, our home is found in the Church.

August 9: For God’s Sake
Are you following a difficult leader? Peter calls us to be mindful of our conduct in these situations as we are representatives of heaven.

August 16: Where Beauty Comes From
God wants your marriage to thrive. Peter kindly shares a few simple guidelines for how we can tap into the beauty God intended for you within your marriage.
August 23: The Order is Everything
What is your purpose? We were all created with a part to play in glorifying God. In good times and bad, you are uniquely positioned to speak and serve.
August 30: Like Your Life Depends on It
What is your purpose? We were all created with a part to play in glorifying God. In good times and bad, you are uniquely positioned to speak and serve.
September 13: Lying Means Roar
Do you ever feel like you are being sabotaged? As Jesus followers, we have a real enemy. In order to defeat him we must first recognize his tactics.