Genesis Sermon Series
You’re invited to join us for our Sermon Series on the book of Genesis
Charles Dickens begins his classic, A Tale of Two Cities, saying, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This is not only a synopsis of the time before the French Revolution, it is a synopsis of all history. Every time carries with it good and bad. The book of Genesis explains why this is the case. Ever since sin entered the world, the best and the worst have locked horns. The book of Genesis looks at the tension between the best and the worst and offers hope that the best is yet to come.
Charles Dickens begins his classic, A Tale of Two Cities, saying, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This is not only a synopsis of the time before the French Revolution, it is a synopsis of all history. Every time carries with it good and bad. The book of Genesis explains why this is the case. Ever since sin entered the world, the best and the worst have locked horns. The book of Genesis looks at the tension between the best and the worst and offers hope that the best is yet to come.
Sept 2: Creation, Genesis 1
Sept 9: Fall, Genesis 3
Sept 16: Cain and Abel, Genesis 4
Sept 23: Noah, Genesis 7
Sept 30: Babel, Genesis 11
Oct 7: Abraham, Genesis 15
Oct 14: Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 18
Oct 21: Isaac, Genesis 22
Oct 28: Jacob and Esau, Genesis 25
Nov 4: Leah and Rachel, Genesis 29
Nov 11: Wrestling with God, Genesis 32
Nov 18: Joseph, Genesis 37
Nov 21: Two Dreamers, Genesis 40 (Thanksgiving Eve)
Nov 25: Reunification, Genesis 43
“Hiding from God” – September 9: Fall (Genesis 3)
In this message we saw that Adam and Eve went into shame and hiding when they went against God’s command. In church-terms, we call this “The Fall of mankind.” What do you do when you fall? Do you hide from God in shame? In this message of the GENESIS series, I suggest that there’s a better way … Click HERE to hear the whole message.
Genesis 3:8 “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.”
“Just Desserts” – September 16: Cain and Abel (Genesis 4)
In this message we saw that Cain repeated the cycle of sin that Adam and Eve experienced in the garden when he killed his brother Abel. How were the sins similar? Both began with a distrust of God, and both ended in death. Adam & Eve didn’t trust God to provide fairly, and Cain didn’t trust God to judge fairly. Do you trust God to judge fairly? Do you agree with how He administers justice, or do you take matters into your own hands? In this message of the GENESIS series, Pastor Augie suggests that God’s sense of justice is “upside down” from our sense of justice … Click HERE to hear the whole message.
Romans 5:9 “Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!”
“Facing Adversity” – September 23: Noah (Genesis 7)
In this message we saw that God brought a great adversity upon the earth, and consequently into the life of Noah and his family. As we examine this section of Scripture in GENESIS, we see that God not only allows adversity in our lives … He uses it for our good! God provided Noah a means of rescue in the midst of the adversity, and beyond the actual trial, God created new life – and He promises the same for you and me. If you are going through a time of adversity, there is hope for you! Click HERE to hear the message.
Romans 6:4 “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”
“Tower Building” – September 30: Babel (Genesis 11)
In this message we saw that after the flood Noah’s descendants began to multiply as God commanded, but then they turned away from God’s plan and started to build a tower to “reach to heaven” and to “make a name for themselves.” As we examine this section of Scripture in GENESIS, we see that God made certain that His will would be done – even if it meant confounding the speech of humanity to do so. God continued to make certain that His will was done in the life, death and resurrection of His Son, and He will stop at no lengths to accomplish His will in your life and mine – even if it means struggle, obstacle and suffering. If you are struggling with “tower building” and “making a name for yourself,” there is hope for you! You can listen to the whole message HERE and read more on Pastor Augie’s blog HERE.
Luke 11:28 He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
“Responding to Conflict” – October 28: Jacob & Esau (Genesis 25)
When we read the account of Isaac’s sons Jacob & Esau in Genesis 25, we see conflict. It’s nothing new. In fact, it’s ancient. But it still rings true. In recent news we saw a tragic shooting in Pittsburgh that took the lives of 11 Jewish citizens in what should have been the safety of their house of worship. Yet sadly, this sort of news has become the norm. Clearly as a people, we still need to learn about our human propensity toward conflict. But even more we need to learn God’s direction in light of it.