Imagine that a friend or family member who is unfamiliar with your Christian faith asks you to summarize the gospel. What would you say? The Apostle Peter calls us to be prepared always to give a reason for the hope we have as Christians (1 Peter 3:15). As followers of Jesus we have the best news in the world to share. But are we prepared to share it? During this season of Lent, we’re going to work together to formulate faithful Christian confessions of the gospel; the kind that could be said in about seven words. We’ll use a format that will allow us to enter into a creative dialogue in a Bible Study / Devotion setting after enjoying a meal together. Come join in the conversation!
Dinner & Devotions – CANCELED
6:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Devotions
Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall*
March 4 · Preparing to Confess
March 11 · Captivity and Freedom
*Childcare provided upon request.
Special Lenten Services – STILL SCHEDULED
6:30 pm in the Sanctuary 
February 26 Ash Wednesday
The Gospel in Seven Words

April 9 Maundy Thursday
Jesus Comes to Feed My Hungry Soul

April 10 Good Friday
Jesus is Lord, Even Over My Death